Having bought thousands of used bikes, many of them almost new, we have found that the main reason people sell a perfectly usable bike, is that the bike just “doesn’t feel right”. This can be down to a number of reasons. Maybe the bike wasn’t set up correctly for the new owner when it was bought, or maybe the bike was bought on the internet and is the wrong size. Often the bike is inappropriate for the job it is to be used for.
At Dunx Cycles we take care to match our customers with exactly the right bike they need and feel comfortable with. We would hate to think of someone leaving one of our bikes in a shed unused because it “didn’t feel right”
All the bikes we build, are alloy framed and fitted with as many alloy parts as possible to keep the overall weight down. We fit as many Stainless steel bolts as we can, because living beside the sea means high tensile steal goes rusty very quickly. Who wants a one year old bike that has rusty spokes, cables and bolts?
We have a good range of frames and sizes, and after a short fact finding exercise we can show you a demonstration model for you to try out. We listen carefully to the feedback given and make recommendations. Once the basics are known, we offer various simple choices of upgrades and options for you to choose.
We then build most of the bike, leaving the seat, the handlebar stem and handlebars. We then arrange a time for a fitting, where the new owner gets to try out as many seats as possible until they find the right level of comfort. After that the bike is put on the trainer and the bike can be ridden (without handlebars) and the buyer gets to show us their ideal position for the hand grips. We then choose an appropriate stem and handlebars and fit them for the customer to try.
This process can be repeated as many times as required until the buyer is happy with the position. Then we choose the handle grips and pedals. Only 3 parts of the body are in contact with the bicycle (hands, feet and bottom) and we believe that if those are comfortable and in the right position, then the new bike will be a joy to ride.
Finally we complete the cabling, and the owner is ready for a proper test ride.
Prices start from as little as £545.00 inc Vat